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Connecting, Educating and Empowering Women in Trades

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All Women Deserve Equal Opportunities

With women representing only 2% of the trades workforce, we’re keen to support more women into trades.

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Tradeswomen Australia Group is working to support more women into trades.

We want girls, women and non-binary to feel safe, secure and comfortable at every workplace, and be able to participate in the career of their choice.

We want to help employers create safe and healthy workplaces so that their skills shortages can confidently be filled by this previously untapped workforce.

We offer a range of programs and services including trades workshops, trades information sessions, practical career support, access to qualified employers, and gender diversity and inclusion training for trades workplaces 

Learn more about our research, media coverage and blog posts for further information on the barriers tradeswomen face and what Tradeswomen Australia are doing to solve them.

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Seminars 2020

Online Webinar discussions from 2020 June 9 2020 – Your Money, Super and Planning for your Future. Our expert guests are: Pascale Helyar-Moray has over 20

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