We’d Love to Hear From You
Whether you’re searching for new job opportunities, curious about our projects, or want to support us – we’re here to answer your questions!
Find a Job
Search our jobs board, browse our industry resources, or contact us below to speak with our Apprentice Engagement Officers. We’re here to help you find a job or apprenticeship at a gender-safe, secure workplace.
Find Employees
We’re here to assist you in hiring the best tradeswomen for your advertised jobs from our jobs board to access to our tradeswomen networks and candidates.
Strengthen Diversity and Inclusion in your Workplaces
Schedule a meeting with our Workplace Diversity Officers below to learn more about our Workplace Diversity Project and other diversity and inclusion trainings.
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Get the Information You’re Looking for Right Now
Website Resources
- FAQs
- Wages, awards and conditions: Visit fair work online pay calculator or call fair work on 13 13 94
- Disputes about superannuation: Australian Taxation Office – unpaid superannuation
- Workplace bullying and harassment: how to prevent and respond
- Discrimination:
- Our Policies
Media Enquiries
For all media enquiries please contact:
Alison Manton
Communications and Marketing Officer
Tradeswomen Australia
Partnership Enquiries
Learn more about how to become a sponsor or donate.