Searching for a job or apprenticeship? We can help!
Explore Industries
Interested in exploring what trades career options are available? We offer a variety of resources to help support you in your search for the best trade pathway, including:
- Podcasts and interviews with tradeswomen to learn what trade they chose and their experiences
- How-to step-by-step videos on writing your best resume and cover letter – see links on this page
- 360 degree videos of what a day is like on a job site
- Online games that show what types of problems you could solve on site
Apprentice Engagement
Are you having difficulties finding the job or apprenticeship in your preferred industry or location? We’re here to help you find a job or apprenticeship at a gender-safe, secure workplace. Search our jobs board, browse our industry resources, or contact us.
Exploring Trades Programs
We offer our Remade for Trades program and school program to give girls, women and non-binary an idea of what a career in trades offers. We can then support them into valuable, well-paid careers in the trades industries. Go to each page to register your interest.

Resources for Job Seekers
Watch Videos below for creating the perfect Cover Letter and a guide on Resume Writing.