CEO, Tradeswomen Australia
Janet Cribbes, CEO of Tradeswomen Australia, today welcomed the completion of the Tasmanian Forests and Forest Products Network Diversity Action Plan. (See TFFP release below)
For the past 25 years the number of women in the traditional trades has remained at 2%, locking many women out of the opportunity to secure, rewarding and well-paid employment.
“With the current skills shortages it is vital to increase our skilled workforce and the Tasmanian Forests and Forest Products Network Diversity Program is a major example of the Tasmanian Government, industry organisations and individual companies leading the way,” Ms Cribbes said.

Workplace Diversity Officer
Tradeswomen Australia
Dr Tanya Paterson, Tradeswomen Australia Workplace Diversity Officer, said the TWA Workplace Diversity Project based in Tasmania provides employers with the tools to enable their workplace supervisors to become aware of the value and benefits of workplace diversity to both staff and organisations. Dr Paterson was also invited onto the Industry Reference Group. A recruitment guide, developed by TWA, is provided to participants with actionable steps that can be implemented to diversify existing recruitment strategies.
The Workplace Diversity Project in Tasmania is funded through the Supporting Women to Succeed grant from the Tasmanian Government which will assist in removing recruitment biases and improving employment for youth, especially women.
Media Release
9 November 2022
New Plan a roadmap to improve diversity in the forest sector
The Tasmanian Forests and Forest Products Network officially launched the completed Diversity Action Plan for the forest industry at Wood Based Products in Burnie yesterday, supported by more than 40 industry stakeholders and supporters.
The Plan–which aims to increase diversity in its workforce and encourage everyone to take action that promotes inclusion–was developed in collaboration with an industry reference group established by the Network, comprising over 30 people working in and around the forest sector.
TFFPN Convenor, Therese Taylor said the Diversity Action Plan is a roadmap to improve diversity outcomes and outlines key activities and timelines for implementation.
“The Plan is a clear framework for diversity and inclusion with learning opportunities and tools that will support everyone to be inclusive in their workplaces,” Ms Taylor said.
“The forest industry in Tasmania has historically been male-dominated—with women only making up 16 per cent of its workforce—and not particularly culturally diverse; however, by focusing on diversity and inclusion, employers can attract and support a wide cohort of employees from right across the community and tap into their skills, knowledge, experience and ideas,” she said.
Ms Taylor said that in working towards the outcomes of the Plan, participants from right across the forest industry will have an improved capacity to connect with each other, the community, and foster a sense of belonging for everyone.
Employer, Andrew Wye of Wood Based Products, understands well the importance and benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace.
“The business case for diversity and inclusion in our workplaces is clear – from greater employee recruitment and retention, to improved reputation within both our community and industry,” Mr Wye said.
“Most importantly, inclusive workplaces have a positive and lasting impact on employee mental health and wellbeing,” he said.
Mr Wye—who has been an active participant in the Workforce and Diversity Reference Group which assisted in the development of the Plan— is part of a team that ‘walks the walk’.
“We have focused on fostering a culture of respect, connection and belonging at Wood Based Products through inclusive practices, acceptance, support and openness around mental and physical health.
“We encourage, facilitate and model healthy attitudes and provide tools to support our workers –and interestingly, this attracts a diverse range of people to our business.”
Wood Based Products currently employs a majority female workforce.
Ms Taylor believes the Plan reinforces the notion that everyone can play a role in diversifying the workforce and said there are strategies that workers, managers and executives can implement right now that will help to support diversity and inclusion in the sector.
The Diversity Action Plan is something tangible that we as an industry can use to take steps forward together and further the conversation around attracting, employing and retaining the right workforce for the future,” she said.
The Diversity Action Plan project is funded by the Tasmanian Government and aims to support the forest industry in realising a vision of being an ‘industry of choice’ with a skilled workforce that is representative of the community in which it operates.
The Diversity Action Plan can be found here: Diversity Action Plan – Tasmanian Forest and Forest Products Network tffpn.com.au
In Tasmania, Tradeswomen Australia also provides an extensive range of information on employment in the trades for women and girls on its website at https://tradeswomenaus.com/
Media Enquiries:
Ron Smith OAM, Media Communications, Tradeswomen Australia
Mobile: 0417 329 201